Friday, June 17, 2011

Personal Statement #1

If there was any one person that I would say that I relate to the most, it would defiantly be my Grandpa Gil. Whenever I think back on a memory there always seem to somehow be a way my grandfather relates to or was actually there, whether it was a good time or a time where I learned something new or even if it was just something small that I remember he always seems to be a part of it. Throughout my life I have learned many things from my grandfather from how to re-build a car to re-building a house and many other things that will eventually come into use in life.

My grandfather has helped me in so many different ways in life that its overwhelming when I begin to even think about it, he has done everything and more help me expand my knowledge and skills. Some of the things he has taught me I use in everyday situations, and really help me throughout the day in communicating and interacting with people. He has also taught me almost everything about music, musical gear and has given me the chance to experience setting up a sound and light show for bands. I have been setting up the shows with him since 2005 and he has taught me everything down to the littlest things about the gear to managing, business deals and how to fix any of the gear. Music has always been a big thing in life for me and my grandfather was one of the first people to show me different bands and different types of music. He is always showing me new music and new gear that he wants to get or thinks that I would like and I really appreciate that he does that for me.

I can always count on my grandfather for anything when I'm in need of something whether be advice, help or just someone to talk to my grandfather is always there. He has inspired me so much to be like him and always be there for people when they are in need and always willing to lend a helping hand to people.
My grandfather and I have had tons of time to connect and through all the time I have realized that my grandfather and I share many of the same values and skills, then I realized that everything we had in common had come from him and I just picked them up.

I believe that connecting with people, family or not, is one of the greatest things that we can do as a society. Some of the people that I have been able to connect with over the years have truly affected how I look on certain things now, and I feel that without them that I wouldn't be as well rounded of a person as I am today. These people have also helped me through the toughest of times,and have showed me new things in the world that I never thought I would be able to experience. But if there is ever one person that really stands out in my head who I feel that I have connected to the most, and that I relate to the most, its my grandpa Gil.

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